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Research Area(s) / Expertise: Job title: Professor of Medicine in the Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
Job title: Professor of Angiology / Director University Clinic of Angiology
Prof Nils Kucher is aProfessor of Angiology and Director University Clinic of Angiology at University Hospital Zürich, Zürich, CH. He specialises in minimally invasive endovascular treatment of acute pulmonary embolism, acute deep vein thrombosis, and the post-thrombotic syndrome. From 2016-2017 he was Chief Physician of Angiology at University Hospital Bern, where earlier he fulfilled the… View more
Research Area(s) / Expertise:
Dr. Christian Thomas Ruff, MD, MPH serves as the Director of the Genetics Core Laboratory and holds the position of Assistant Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, based at Brigham and Women’s Faulkner Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts.With a diverse educational background, Dr. Ruff graduated from Harvard University with a degree in Neurobiology before earning his medical degree at… View more
Research Area(s) / Expertise:


Venous Disease - General

Thrombosis, embolism & bleeding

Job title: Associate Professor of Radiology, Surgery and Medicine; Director, Deep Venous Interventions
Dr Kush R Desai, MD, FSIR is an Interventional Radiologist and Associate Professor of Radiology, Surgery, and Medicine at Northwestern University. His primary research and clinical interests are in venous thromboembolic disease, deep venous thrombectomy/thrombolysis, reconstruction of chronic venous occlusions, IVC filter management/complex IVC filter retrieval, and interventional pulmonary… View more
Author(s): Kazuya Hosokawa , Abe Kotaro Added: 1 year ago
AHA 2023 — Dr Kazuya Hosokawa and Dr Abe Kotaro (Kyushu University Hospital, JP) join us to share the findings of the KABUKI trial (NCT04730037). The aim of KABUKI (Daiichi Sankyo) is to assess whether edoxaban, a direct factor Xa inhibitor, is noninferior to warfarin in preventing worsening of chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH).This investigator-initiated, multicenter, phase 3… View more